Liberty 101: The great conservative debate

“Social issue” versus liberty.

fifeanddrum 2aThere are well-meaning, good-hearted people on both sides of the debate over social conservatism versus social liberalism.  That doesn’t always help to clarify things, but it’s important to emphasize that point up front.

A fresh outbreak at PJ Media – Bryan Preston versus Roger Simon – prompts this post.  And with due respect to both gentlemen, who write well and passionately, I conclude that we all just keep slogging through the same muddy trench on this issue, and it doesn’t seem to be helping. Continue reading “Liberty 101: The great conservative debate”

Liberty 101: Law as SMOD

A habit of liberty for a free people.

One of the most remarkable things about Obamacare has been the theme, lurking with a blithe, disarming shrug, that we have to wait to see “what’s in it” and how it all “plays out.”

It’s not just Nancy Pelosi who talks about it that way.  Basically, it’s everybody who ventures to discuss it analytically.  Each pundit ends up making the point that we’ll just have to see what happens and how it all plays out.

It’s as if Obamacare is not a law, written by men and fully manipulable by them, but Continue reading “Liberty 101: Law as SMOD”

Liberty 101: The principle of establishment

Liberty DOESN’T “happen.”

fifeanddrumDevelopments at home and abroad are forcing Americans to think anew about the meaning of liberty and the proper nature and function of government.  What is important to us, and what must we do to keep it?  How do we change the things that manifestly aren’t working, and are in fact doing us daily harm?

Liberty 101 is a series devoted to discussing these topics.  And the subject for today is what I call the principle of establishment.  Very simply, the principle of establishment recognizes that liberty and the protection of natural rights Continue reading “Liberty 101: The principle of establishment”

Liberty 101: Ten things government can’t do without an income tax

Big Brother depends on the income tax.

1.  Think your income is too big and another person’s is too small.

2.  Propose to “redistribute income” using government policies.

3.  Plan government activities based on the expected size of your income.

4.  Treat you unequally under the law based on the size of your income.

5.  Make it illegal for you to earn income without reporting it to the government. Continue reading “Liberty 101: Ten things government can’t do without an income tax”